COURIER-MAIL: Shadowland
[Investigation of male prostitution]
Saturday, May 16, 1998
Male prostitution is flourishing in Queensland. A
special investigation by Courier-Mail reporters
Matthew Fynes-Clinton and Michael Ware sheds light on
a dark side of Brisbane
WHILE much of Brisbane sleeps, a few of its teenaged
sons lurk under the massive canopy of a century-old
weeping fig tree in Albert Park, Spring Hill.
Their shapes are faint in the virtual blackness. The
tree is 12m in from the poorly lit Wickham Tce
frontage to the park -- 7.5ha of rolling grounds with
an amphitheatre in the middle and the gable of
Brisbane Boys Grammar School's Great Hall just
visible in the distance.
Outreach workers recall one night last January when
the slatted bench which runs in a continuous square
around the tree -- known to insiders as "The Tree of
Knowledge" -- was chockers. Sixteen fresh-faced
males, some of them possibly as young as 17, had come
to try to sell their bodies.
Their clients? By and large, they are the city's
"Shaun", 21, who turned his first trick as a
15-year-old male prostitute in Sydney, has worked
Albert Park for the past four years. He says the park
is the hub of Brisbane's open-air male prostitution
activity, in exactly the same way as a strip along
Brunswick St, New Farm, functions for female sex
Yet somehow Albert Park and its surrounds have been
shielded from parallel notoriety. Maybe no one wants
to know. Maybe no one knows.
At 12.20am on a Friday, a man and a woman are
embracing while sitting on a low brick wall outside
the Soho Hotel. They are on the corner where Wickham
Tce bends and heads for the Holy Spirit Hospital, the
Old Windmill and the suddenly rarefied air of its
medical precinct.
The lovers stare into space, oblivious to the signals
(his saunter, the drawn-out sweep of his hand through
his hair) of a smartly dressed teenager who has been
pacing the footpath on the other side of the road.
Cars pull in to the kerb. They are vehicles, more
often than not, exuding status: four-wheel drives,
BMWs, near-new hatchbacks.
The drivers generally stay in their seats, sometimes
flicking on the interior light, on other occasions
opening the passenger door a fraction. If the sex
worker, or "rent boy", does not know the potential
client, also referred to as a "John" or "Mug", it may
be minutes before he makes an approach. Then again,
the driver may just be "window shopping" and will
take off before contact occurs.
The whole process, so reliant on posturing, is
incredibly subtle -- too easy to observe absently and
think: "So what?"
However, when that question is properly addressed,
some alarming truths emerge. Shaun claims that 80
percent of his clients are married men.
TWO children's car seats strapped into a station
wagon's rear bench seat.
This is what used to greet Shaun whenever he'd get
into the car of one of his regular clients at the
Albert Park pick-up zone.
Shaun still services the client. About 10.30 on
Thursday night last week, the station wagon swept
into a parking bay near the Tree of Knowledge. Shaun
walked out into the slightly brighter light and the
pair drove away to the vacant car lot of a nearby
Shaun masturbated the driver (the industry term for
the service is "hand relief"). His fee was $50.
But the client had detached the children's seats,
placing them in the boot of the wagon before seeing
Shaun. Shaun explains he had become so "disgusted"
performing sex acts in the man's car with his two
children's seats in full view that he requested him
some time ago to at least put them in the boot.
"It was a case of out of sight, out of mind," Shaun
"I feel guilty if I'm looking at kids' car seats
while I'm pleasing somebody, because you think, `I
could be destroying someone's marriage'. You think,
`this is pretty bad' because this guy's got kids and
he's got a wife and they don't know about this.
"But, at the same time, you've got to think, `Well,
this person's making this decision -- not me'. At
least now he knows that he's got to put those seats
in the back before he arrives."
Last year, the same client dropped his wife in the
City to do last-minute Christmas shopping before he
drove to Albert Park, a couple of minutes away, for
another session of sex with Shaun.
Other Albert Park rent boys nominate early Thursday
evening for the best trade of the week. As well as
being pay day for many of their clients, a pattern
has emerged where husbands transport their wives to
late-night suburban shopping outlets, then scoot off
to the park for a paid sexual liaison with a young
man -- making sure they are back in time to collect
their partner and the groceries.
"It's basically a quick get-off session," Shaun says.
"A lot of it's hand relief and oral sex. We'll
normally drive to a dark street, pull over, get it
over and done with and then they bring me back here
(Albert Park).
"A lot of the time, all they've done is duck out from
their wives for half-an-hour, so it's got to be
Earlier this year, the group Self-health for
Queensland Workers in the Sex Industry (SQWISI)
convinced privately sponsored drug and alcohol agency
Drug-Arm of the urgency of getting health and
emotional support to the sex workers of Albert Park.
Ten weeks ago, a Drug-Arm mini-bus made the first of
its now regular Thursday night visits to the park:
serving tea and coffee, taking blood and urine
samples and distributing clean needles, condoms and
health literature from a position it takes up in
Wickham Tce, usually diagonally opposite the imposing
Hotel Grand Chancellor.
For SQWISI's male and trans-gender project officer
Bradley Reuter, who forms part of the outreach team
along with a Brisbane Sexual Health clinician and two
Drug-Arm volunteers, securing the service was a
milestone. Even if the demands on Drug-Arm at other
locations (including a scheduled contact stop at New
Farm for the female sex workers) mean the van can
only remain at the park for about two hours.
Reuter, 29, says he and a friend from the Brisbane
Youth Service began trying to help the Albert Park
workers 18 months ago. "I was just hearing all these
stories from other agencies about the amount of sex
work that was happening and I just thought, `Oh my
God, we've got to do something'," Reuter recounts.
"It took a long time for the boys to realise they
could trust us. So, you know, after going up there
night after night and handing out hundreds of condoms
and cigarettes -- they all smoke -- we formed
relationships with a number of workers. Then as soon
as we would leave, the others would scuttle over to
them and get the run-down."
Reuter says the warm January night that flushed out
16 workers astonished him. "I think it was just a
case of finding them all up there at the same time,"
he says.
"To find six of them would be more normal. We would
think eight is a busy night."
Reuter says they generally range in age from 18 to
early 20s. In no way can the men who desire intimacy
with them be construed as paedophiles.
"But a high percentage of clients are middle-aged,
married men," Reuter confirms.
"And it's a worry because gay men are really social.
It's quite easy to tap into that community and
educate it through nightclubs, venues, newspapers and
that sort of thing...
"But now this new term, `Men who have sex with men',
has come in. These people say, `I'm not gay. I'm
married and I've got two kids at home. I just, you
know, want to play touch wee-wees with another man
occasionally -- and there's no need to wear condoms
because HIV is a poofters' disease'.
"Because they're not openly gay, that's a really hard
section of the community to get information to. The
boys get told the `I'm straight. I only sleep with my
wife' scenario. I just try to tell them ... I just
hope they're using the condoms that I give out
Shaun says he will not insist that a client to whom
he is giving oral sex wears a condom. He says he is
screened every three months for HIV and a range of
sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) including
hepatitis B, which has been prevalent among gay men
of late.
The "park rates" are $50 for hand relief or oral sex
and $100 for anal sex. But Shaun charges more for
both oral sex ($80) and to receive anal sex (offered
as part of a $130 hourly booking for which the client
is invited back to his near-city unit).
Wearing a matching long-sleeve shirt and hugging
trousers in black polyester, Shaun is well-spoken and
says the higher prices are in keeping with his
experience and his drug-free status.
On a good night, he could make more than $500. He
spends his money on rent, bills, clothes and other
"There's boys up here who are not with it. They're
drugged off their nut," Shaun says.
"When that happens, there's also a one in five chance
that they're going to rob the client.
"Another problem is that a lot of people on drugs
seem to get STDs a lot quicker. I tell the client
that, with me, they know what they're getting. And I
know what I'm doing."
Reuter says the rent boys gravitate to Albert Park
from all sorts of backgrounds and histories. Some are
gay, like Shaun, but others maintain girlfriends.
HE SAYS a proportion are "ridgy-didge street kids".
"For them, it always starts the same way. They're not
looking for it. It's opportunistic," Reuter says.
"Someone offers them money for a fiddle in the dark.
And they might also get supplied with food or a roof
over their heads.
"The money pays for cigarettes, drugs, a pair of
Reeboks or whatever, so of course they're going to
come back the next night and do it again. It's not
going to be opportunistic for long."
Could they also hail from the other side of the
"I have known workers who drive themselves up in cars
that mummy and daddy have bought them,'' is Reuter's
dead-pan reply.
"They have nice, gorgeous little Italian leather
shoes. And they work because it's a cool thing to do.
It's bizarre."
Yet as disturbing as Reuter's insights are, the real
tragedy is that they only touch the surface. While
this newspaper did not see any evidence of child
prostitution taking place at Albert Park over the
past two weeks, it has been collating information for
a year on the evil committed by paedophile rings in
It is a fact that many of the young men who work as
prostitutes in Albert Park are only there because as
children they were corrupted by paedophiles. Three
former victims of organised paedophilia are now ready
to publicise their stories.
THE direct but uncorroborated evidence they have
provided to The Courier-Mail comes closer than ever
to uncovering the past operations of a sinister web
that linked paedophile groups in Queensland with
those in southern states -- and may still be active.
Some of the allegations date back to the late 1970s,
involving names such as one-time Brisbane radio
announcer Bill Hurrey, ex-Queensland police constable
Dave Moore and the former mayor of Wollongong, Frank
While Hurrey and Moore have been convicted of
paedophilia-related offences and Arkell is before the
courts, Australian law enforcement agencies still
display a tendency to rebuff the accounts of victims
as unverifiable.
Queensland's Criminal Justice Commission has denied
responsibility, stating such criminal activity is not
within its jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, more and more current and former child sex
workers are managing to tell the same stories.
Featuring many of the same players...
IN THE late 1970s and early 1980s, "Grant" was a
youth toying with drugs and earning his
apprenticeship in petty crime. It was then that he
met a known Brisbane paedophile.
Grants claims that while he was staying with the man,
he began to witness a seemingly endless parade of
children through the man's home.
He says the man, who has been the subject of a number
of police investigations, usually would befriend boys
on the streets and offer them accommodation, food and
The boys came to be treated lavishly. They were wined
and dined and taken to parties and nightclubs.
Before long, the typical fare of male pornography,
sensation-heightening amyl-nitrate or "rush" and
probing touches would be introduced.
Many of the boys had been inducted into the "scene"
already, having prostituted themselves in the city's
public toilets, train stations and streets.
The boys would supply sex to the man and his friends
in and around Brisbane.
Grant says that, from time to time, the man would
offer the boys a chance to have an all-expenses-paid
holiday to Sydney or Melbourne. Snapping at the
chance, the boys were told they would have to work to
pay their way.
According to Grant, the man believed that an older
youth travelling with 13 and 14-year-old boys was far
less suspicious than a middle-aged businessman. That
was where he came in.
He says he was asked on a number of occasions to
"accompany" the boys on flights or to drive them to
their southern destinations. He was 17 when he
embarked on such a journey for the first time.
Grant would deliver the boys to addresses handed to
him before he left Brisbane. He was met by particular
men who would accept the "transfer".
Grant says he can recall dropping off boys to men's
parties at private homes. The children were then
taken to bedrooms to entertain the guests.
He says he would not see the boys again until
returning to the address two or three days later to
collect them.
One trip still reels in his mind.
In the early 1980s, towards the end of a week, the
Brisbane man told Grant he had a job for him if he
wanted to spend the weekend in Sydney. Grant's role
was to drop off someone along the way.
Provided with a car, Grant says he drove an Asian boy
-- whose age he guesses at 13 or 14 -- across the
By twilight on Friday, he had arrived at the
destination: an address in Wollongong where a man was
waiting. Invited inside briefly, Grant says he can
still remember the fine details of the house's
At the time, he was unaware of the identity of the
man awaiting the Asian boy. But the address -- 1
Reserve St -- was that of disgraced Wollongong mayor
Frank Arkell.
THOUGH uncorroborated, Grant's tale is the first
piece of first-hand evidence establishing a
meaningful connection between a Brisbane paedophile
group and the alleged Wollongong network fostered by
It was this alleged network that was exposed by the
ground-breaking Wood royal commission into police
corruption in New South Wales.
Grant has told The Courier-Mail that he returned to
Arkell's house two days later. He says he had to wait
in the mayor's living room for the boy.
It was obvious from the boy's condition on the long
drive back to Brisbane that his weekend in Wollongong
had caused enormous discomfort, Grant says.
In fact, the boy was in such pain he could not sit
properly. He spent most of the 14-hour trip laying on
his stomach.
Grant returned the boy to the Brisbane man's home
where they both stayed for a couple of nights. After
that, Grant says, he never saw the boy again.
When he grew older, Grant broke away from the
Brisbane man and the sleazy underworld he had fallen
into. Now in his mid 30s, he has re-built his life.
Police sources, while unable to quantify the extent
of it, have confirmed Grant's involvement with the
Brisbane paedophile.
The man eventually was convicted of child sex
offences. He was brought undone through his predatory
relationship with a 15-year-old boy whom he had
plucked from the streets.
"JAMIE" knew the man as well. Living on Brisbane's
suburban fringe, Jamie discovered there was money to
be made by skipping school and catching a train into
the City.
At 15, Jamie began offering himself to men in public
toilets. Working what he describes as the "lunchtime
crowd", he would wait at the King George Square
toilets for strangers who paid him $20 to give them
oral sex in a filthy cubicle.
"There was no shortage of business down there, or at
Albert Park, or at the North Quay toilets," says
Jamie, now in his late 30s.
"After a while I came to know what they'd want; I
learnt how to really milk the lunch crowd.
"I would catch the train to school in the mornings
but I would get off at a different station and take
the train heading in the opposite direction to
"Normally I had a change of clothes in my bag. But
when I went to work I would put my school uniform
back on. I'd hang around the toilets in my sports
uniform and that really got business going.
"It was a real turn-on for them and it made things
more lucrative for me."
Men he met in the toilets would ask to see him again
elsewhere. Some arranged for him to come back to the
city in the evening to go to nightclubs and
Consequently, Jamie met the paedophile who Grant says
used him to traffic other children.
This led to associations with a new spectrum of men
wishing to fawn over him. Jamie was blonde and fit
with a striking, angular face.
In the late 1970s, Jamie says he was introduced to a
colourful, outgoing group of men who liked to live
the high life and who enjoyed Brisbane's burgeoning
gay scene.
He says he slept with a range of people in this
upwardly mobile circle. He was rewarded with money or
THROUGH the scene he met Bill Hurrey, an outlandish
and enormously popular ABC radio personality. A
meeting with Hurrey's friend, police Constable Dave
Moore, followed soon after. Hurrey and Moore were
part of a clique whose members delighted in calling
each other by pet names stolen from famous female
movie sirens.
By age 17, Jamie had left Brisbane to work as a
full-time prostitute in brothels and agencies in
southern states. However, he says that as a fledgling
prostitute in Brisbane he was also used in
photographic shoots.
Amateurish photographs were taken of him engaging in
a variety of sexual exploits with a menagerie of men,
he claims.
Again, Jamie's account cannot be substantiated. But
police have asked him to help with evidence in the
past and he can rattle off the names of other boys
who were entangled with him.
FORMER Wollongong schoolboy John David says he
suffered sexual assault from the age of four until he
was 17.
David, who assisted the Wood royal commission, says
the abuse meted out to him in his home environment
turned into an enforced commercial enterprise when a
family member exposed him to a network of
He says the relative who first began sexually
assaulting him was involved with other Wollongong men
who traded in underage sex. The men included Arkell
and another former Wollongong mayor Tony Bevan, who
died in 1991 of cancer.
Arkell, 67, has been committed to face trial on child
sex charges involving three alleged victims.
Maintaining contact by mail and through furtive
conversations from public telephones, the men would
arrange meetings at which children were provided for
sexual purposes. David identified to the royal
commission 10 Wollongong addresses where he claims he
was taken and abused.
Much of David's recollections relate to incidents
that occurred 30 years ago. They have proven
virtually impossible to corroborate with physical
But 10 years before Grant's experience with the
trafficking of young boys between a Brisbane
paedophile group and other loose networks around the
country, David says he was shipped to the Gold Coast
to "meet" a group of Queenslanders.
It was autumn 1969 and he was aged 12. David says his
relative drove him to the coast, while other men
travelled up from the Illawarra district in their
The major contact on the Gold Coast was a grossly
overweight and flamboyantly dressed man, his face
overrun by a grey beard.
David claims he was taken to the fat man's Broadbeach
unit, where his relative made him stay. The apartment
had views to the beach and was adorned with expensive
furniture and artefacts.
David says that over the next four days, men and
women sexually assaulted him and a number of other
boys and girls.
"The (Broadbeach) man was the main organiser. He knew
the clients, who seemed to live in the Surfers
Paradise area as they were able to travel quickly to
the premises," David says.
"My (relative) was paid for his organising of selling
the children. The (Broadbeach) man would organise
beforehand and phone perpetrators, telling them that
`the goods had arrived' and arrange times.
"The men would pay the (Broadbeach) man for the abuse
and he would then pay my relative. I distinctly
remember the cash transactions. The perpetrators
would pay before the abuse. They would select the
children in the lounge-room and take them to the
DAVID says he and the other children were fondled,
digitally penetrated, raped and urinated on in the
three bedrooms of the high-rise unit.
"There were children from other areas," he says. "I
remember my relative asking people where they were
from. It was New South Wales -- mainly Sydney but
also Tamworth -- and rural Queensland ... Toowoomba."
David says his relative made the Gold Coast
connection through a man he believes to have been
either Arkell or Bevan.
Confidential witness W26 told the royal commission
his abuse began with his scout leader, before he was
"recruited" by Bevan to service a number of his
paedophile associates.
Bevan was a paedophile, who, in an example of his
obsessiveness, recorded many of his conversations
with other paedophiles across Australia and overseas.
In hundreds of taped exchanges, Bevan referred to the
existence of organised paedophile groups throughout
Australia, to child sex tourism and to a Wollongong
"paedophile school".
The tapes were handed to the Wood royal commission.
The pattern of recruitment, "advertising" and
trafficking which was revealed mirrors David's
statement to The Courier-Mail.
The National Crime Authority last year concluded that
"as indicated by the Bevan tapes, paedophiles within
Australia have organised and actively recruited (and
may still be recruiting) children as prostitutes for
paedophile groups".
But Queensland police efforts in the 1980s to target
child molesters were limited. Evidence given to the
CJC's recent Kimmins inquiry into paedophile-related
corruption ran into another dead end.
None of the paedophile investigators from the 1980s
who testified at the inquiry could conclusively show
direct interference or hindrance. Although it appears
some requests for assistance were ignored or only
sparingly met.
In one instance, during September 1982, a father and
son gave statements that Hurrey and Moore had been
pressuring a boy to agree to perform sexual acts with
men in a "blue movie". Hurrey and Moore were going to
produce the film.
The boy told police the pair offered him $200 -- and
had assured him boys he knew had helped them make
other movies.
Moore and Hurrey told the boy the films were
regularly distributed to Melbourne.
His father called in the police, after overhearing
one of these discussions.
But the investigating officer's request for
surveillance was denied, because, according to
corrupt former commissioner Terry Lewis, the police
did not spy on their own.
In the same era, other boys told police how they had
made pornographic films for suspected paedophiles.
They pinpointed addresses in south-east Queensland
where the films were shot and named each of the men
Police produced little in the way of results, their
investigations too often conducted in a beleaguered
and ad hoc manner.
Boys prostituting themselves on Brisbane's streets
today continue to tell shocking stories of abuse and
child pornography. Without prompting, many of the
offenders' names given by the boys belong to the same
perpetrators of 15 years ago.
In June 1995, the Queensland Child Exploitation Unit
launched a probe into an organised paedophile group
believed to have been importing Asian boys for sex
"Operation Hinge" was triggered by new intelligence
and its findings are still unknown. But one startling
bit of information is that many of the 1995
paedophile targets were men identified to police in
No Queensland law enforcement agency has ever been
able to locate a locally made child porn video --
despite the recurring admissions of participation
from young boys.
So the questions still linger.
Did it really happen? Is it happening now?