spirit [A trip to Ireland]
Saturday, July 08, 2000
The world's most intensive pub tour, a literary
paradise, a land of history and of beauty. For
Michael Ware, Ireland is all this and
"HAVE you kissed the Blarney Stone yet?" she asked.
Hazel was talking about the famous tourist rite at
Blarney Castle, in the south of Ireland. The stone is
famed for bestowing the "gift of the gab" on its
pilgrims. Thousands kiss it every year.
I told her, no, I hadn't. We had only arrived in
Ireland that morning.
"Good," she smiled. "Because drunks go up there at
night and piss on it, you know."
I'm not sure she was right, after all, she'd just
finished pointing out the faerie fort in the middle
of the field where the "wee people" lived, but her
advice was so deliciously Irish. Warm, irreverent,
genuine, frank.
There's any number of ways to see Hazel's homeland.
You can tackle it like a roving antiquities scholar:
probing, grilling and quizzing for every snippet of
history, visiting every monument, ambling through
every ruin. For sure, you'll be there forever.
Or you can roam and simply discover, let Ireland lead
you, follow its people and its places, never in a
Besides, you can't rush anyone who measures bad
weather by the winter of '47, like Dennis Maguire, a
fly fishing guide on Loch Melvin, Northern Ireland.
"I caught three here just the other day," Dennis said
pointing to a stretch of water. "But I couldn't stay
long, I was late for a funeral."
Or a radio sportscaster who, lauding Cork's surprise
win in last year's All Ireland Hurling Final dubbed
the Clash of the Ash, screamed like a thick-accented
Norman May: "Cork has done the double: 1999 and
The island is divided in two: Northern Ireland,
brimming with outdoor adventure, taking in six of the
counties of Ulster and actually British soil; and the
Republic of Ireland, vibrant and alive, rich in music
and entertainment, comprising the bulk of the island.
Together they represent the Celtic tiger -- two of
the most dynamic and expanding economies in Europe,
driven largely by new technologies.
Tourism, however, remains a wellspring for the
Republic, with a well-oiled industry catering for
every need, niche and nuance. For the North,
tourism's only tentatively making its return with the
relative peace.
While it's impossible to completely escape the
spectre of the Troubles, the decades of conflict
between Irish nationalist and loyalist paramilitaries
and the British, it's not all-pervasive for the
Where sandbagged bunkers and roadblocks once ruled
the border crossings, gun barrels trained on every
car, now there's nothing but open road. Passing from
one side to the other is no more arduous than
crossing the Tweed.
In the Republic, stumbling on the Sinn Fein bookstore
on Parnell Square, north of the River Liffey in
Dublin, is as close as anyone would get to the
I wasn't sure that I'd found it, but the people
inside knew I was there without even knocking.
"What the (expletive) do you want?" a voice said as I
turned to leave, having taken a photograph. "Is this
the bookstore?" I asked.
"Oh. Aye," a fat man said stepping back to let me in.
A fatter man was sitting behind a panel of tiny TV
screens, monitoring the building. "It's in there,"
the fat man motioned. "You from Australia then?"
IN THE North the Troubles are more palpable: divided
neighbourhoods, war-like murals, Union Jacks and
Irish tri-colours on lampposts marking sectarian
territories, fortified army posts atop tenement
blocks, helicopters buzzing like dragonflies. But to
find the old oppressiveness -- like troops in the
street -- you really have to look. Foot patrols are
now only in Derry and a few places, such as
In fact a tourist industry is growing out of the
conflict. For a fee a guide, black taxi or special
bus will drive you down The Falls Road and up the
Shankhill, stopping for snaps along the way. "On your
right is an IRA pub. Further up here is Gerry Adams's
office, and look quickly folks, that's Milltown
Cemetery, an IRA graveyard."
Belfast has just come out of a period where a new
restaurant was opening in the city centre every two
months. And major hotels are being constructed with
vigour, five in the past year alone, including a
Sheraton and a Hilton.
Still growing, and a little disjointed, is Belfast's
Golden Mile, a strip of shops, pubs and restaurants
in the heart of the city. It doesn't yet rival
Dublin's Temple Bar district, an area so full of pubs
you could drink and explore for days, but it's on its
way. Look for the Crown Liqueur Saloon where
delicious Guinness pies and Irish stew are served in
private drinking booths. Simply wander and try for
THERE'S been some inadvertent upsides to the
conflict, such as pedestrian shopping malls, some of
the first in Europe, a by-product of security
measures against car bombs, as well as extremely low
levels of street crime (what mugger wants to run into
a squad of patrolling Paratroopers?). And there's
always the funny side, like the T-shirt: "I am a bomb
technician. If you see me running try to keep up".
So don't be put off Belfast. I found more disruption
in London -- delays on the Tube because of suspicious
packages, and try finding a rubbish bin on a London
street -- than anywhere in the North.
Throughout Ireland life begins and ends in the pub. A
recently-widowed grandmother drinking in a
low-ceilinged pub in Irvinestown, Northern Ireland,
proof of that. "I'm trying to find all my old
boyfriends," she winked, sipping from a pint of
Guinness. The family throng gathered around her
bobbing their heads as one to say it was true.
In Belfast there's Bittles Bar, writer James Joyce
memorabilia dripping from the walls. There I found
half a dozen men playing poker, a smoky haze above
their heads. Among the group was one wizened man with
a green felt hat. At the bar he uttered his name:
"Alex. Alex Higgins." An Irish institution and former
world snooker champion. Drink in hand, he blended
back into the pack of cardplayers.
Also try McHugh's bar and restaurant, although it can
get busy. They say when a council inspector visited
last year there were so many patrons he couldn't find
his way out. The Monday night I was there wasn't too
bad. They have a selection of Australian wines, and
spicy chicken wings to die for.
When in Dublin simply amble from one doorway to the
next. Or for the socially cautious, join a pub tour,
there's plenty on offer and they're advertised in all
hotels. Guinness, of course, is the staple. "There's
eatin' and drinkin' in it," I was told. "Come on,
your dinner's poured." The home of this wonderment,
the Dublin brewery, a high altar of Irish life, is an
extremely popular attraction.
There are more pubs in Ireland, a fervently Catholic
country, than churches, there are more golf courses
than days of the year and, with four Nobel Laureates
for literature, they rejoice in their storytelling.
In fact, the dead Joyce is a living industry, with
tours, museums, re-enactments, memorabilia and
exhibitions aplenty, particularly in Dublin.
Music is the other thread that binds Ireland, with a
rich blend of folk and rock permeating daily
existence. From Robinson's or Fibber McGee's in
Belfast, to Dublin's Temple Bar district, or the
tiniest of one-street, back-of-nowhere villages where
behind every fifth door is a pub, the sounds and
tastes of the drinking houses lends a richness to
Irish life.
A celebration of all this is the Dingle Music
Festival, held in mid-September in the seaside town
on the horn of the indescribably beautiful Dingle
Peninsula. The entire town comes alive with bands and
musicians. Restaurants, like the Beginish, overflow
with patrons and fine food, and the pubs reel all
night to the endless melodies.
The fast track approach is to visit the Hot Press
Irish Hall of Fame in Middle Abbey Street, Dublin.
Even for non-music buffs (like me) it's an event.
It's also a good alternative to the regular suspects:
the Writers Museum, Trinity College and the Book of
Kells (which isn't a book, wasn't written in Kell,
you have to shove past the busloads of Americans to
see, but is awe-inspiring), the Abbey Theatre, the
Joyce Centre, the Joyce Museum, Dublin Castle, Shaw's
birthplace or the Viking Adventure centre.
WHILE you're in Dublin poke your head in to the
exclusive La Stampa restaurant and you'll see one of
the finest dining rooms you could imagine. A few
doors down Dawson Street is the Cafe en Seine, a
Parisian feel with real Irish warmth. Again, a
stunning place just to sit and enjoy.
Beyond Dublin your best bet is to simply hire a car
and go. The roads are narrow but picturesque, and the
navigationally-damaged are sure to survive. Why?
Because you're never far from anywhere.
On my travels I saw the limestone Crag Caves near
Tralee, which were only unearthed in 1983 under a
farm (farmer's wife Margaret Geaney: "You have seven
children and when they grow up you ask what now? Then
you find a cave."), the incomparable Cliffs of Moher,
the barren moonscape of the Burren district, and the
much-adored Aran Islands.
Accommodation throughout Ireland covers the full
range. From backpackers to B&Bs to boutique
hotels (see the minimalist-styled Morrison in Dublin)
and luxury beyond your wildest dreams (the Merrion on
Dublin's Merrion Square and, outside Limerick, in the
village of Adare, the sprawling Adare Manor --
unforgettable for its grandeur but the pricing is
like heart surgery). In Belfast, I stayed near
Queen's College at Maddison's boutique hotel, which
has the Dannii Minogue guestbook seal of approval:
"Oct '98 -- Thanks. Excellent."
But the greatest of all is the humble, remote and
extremely basic Seacrest House on the Aran Island of
Inishmoor. Forever it will hold a special place in my
heart. Stricken with food poisoning, in a near-death
state and ready to throw myself into the sea,
Geraldine Faherty took me in until it was time for my
return flight and bus to Galway. I was violently ill
in one of her small rooms and for the refuge she gave
me, and the towels I defiled, all she would accept
was my green-gilled thanks -- no matter how hard I
pressed Irish punt into her hand.
Now that's Ireland. Bloody good craic.
* The
writer's trip was organised by the Irish Tourist
Board and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. He flew
with Cathay Pacific.