Speaking in NYC next month
Join Michael and hear his insights and analysis on a wide range of topics including:
• the reality of war, exploring the role media and government organization's play in shaping public perception and opinion on war, what's not reported and why;
• the impact of troop withdrawal from Iraq, prospects for the future - Iraq, Iran and the Middle East; the rise of Iran and its nuclear ambition;
• personal reflections of war, reintegration; living with PTSD; and
• What's next for Michael Ware?
the reality of war, exploring the role media and government organization's play in shaping public perception and opinion on war, what's not reported and why;
the impact of troop withdrawal from Iraq, prospects for the future - Iraq, Iran and the Middle East; the rise of Iran and its nuclear ambition;
personal reflections of war, reintegration; living with PTSD; and
What's next for Michael Ware?

About Michael Ware ...
Having lived and worked in Iraq - reporting from the front line for over 7 consecutive years - there are few people who experienced or understand the war on terror with greater intimacy than Michael Ware. Michael was one of only a handful of reporters to cover the war perspective from both sides. Early on, he established contacts with Iraqi and Kurdish insurgents and travelled to their camps and became the recipient of many controversial video tapes of attacks on U.S. soldiers. Michael also embedded with U.S. and British troops on numerous occasions and joined many penetrating missions where he recorded live combat footage of U.S. troops at war. Michael was kidnapped by insurgents on more than one occasion... Michael is recently retired from CNN and is now writing a book and working on a feature length documentary on Iraq titled “Walking with Ghosts”.
There is a fee to attend ($15/members; $25/nonmembers) and pre-registration is required. For more information and to sign up, go to this site.