Monday, December 31, 2007
2007 was a
year of incredible reporting from Michael, his first
full year with CNN. There are 225 posts in the 'Iraq
2007' section, another 52 from the RWC in October. I
compiled 313 total video clips this year.
Here is a list of some highlights... and it's a long
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
With Michael
out of Iraq for his holiday break, it will be quiet for
the next couple of weeks. I have some old material
(radio interviews, mostly) that I will try to convert
and post while he's away. As it happens, I am off work
for a couple weeks following a minor but painful
injury, so depending on how well the pain meds work,
hope to get some additional work done on the site.
In the meantime, wherever you are and however you
celebrate, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday
season and a joyous 2008. (And if anybody has the
opportunity, please buy Michael a drink for me!)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
finally tracked down a print copy of the magazine, and
the online photo was cropped. So here is the full
version. (The washed-out color is due to the article
being printed on recycled paper. Good for the
environment, not so great for photographs.)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
As you can
see, I've made a few changes to the site. Some are just
cosmetic, others are in hopes of making site navigation
easier. There are still a few additions to be made, but
I wanted to unveil this today since it is the two-year
anniversary of the
first time I heard Michael on TV.
To say that this site had very humble beginnings is an
understatement -- at first I was just sharing his clips
with friends, because his reports were so unlike what
we were hearing from the rest of the media. Within a
couple months I put up a very small site to hold all of
the ones I had been able to copy, and then he started
making more and more appearances on CNN, and my
collection got bigger. Eventually I had to move to a
larger host company, and then he signed with CNN, and
there are some days when I can barely keep up with him!
Along the way I bought a TiVo, several software
upgrades, a second TiVo, even more webspace... I've
heard from people all around the world who consider his
reports a vital resource in understanding what happened
(and is still happening) in Iraq and thanking me for
making his work readily available. More importantly,
the rest of the media, and the world, has caught up
with him and now understands what he was saying two
long years ago.
One thing that hasn't changed: the honesty and courage
that was so absolutely stunning to me that first night
remains so today. We are extremely fortunate that a man
like Michael Ware cares so very much about learning the
truth and passing it on to us.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Many thanks
to Maxie (a Monocle subscriber) for sending along the
full interview...
Friday, November 23, 2007
magazine interview done in Paris is coming out next
week, and here is the photo that will run in it:
Michael at the "Asian" Thai restaurant, looks to have
been taken October 13th:
Also, this
week's blurb for This Week at War:
Battle for Iraq: Violence is down but can the downward
trend be sustained?
Michael Gordon, The New York Times; Author, "Cobra II"
Michael Ware, CNN International Correspondent
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
terrific interview with Michael was posted today on the
website of Asharq Alawsat newspaper.
The interview was conducted while he was in Paris last
& A with CNN's Michael Ware
By Enaam Kajjah Ji in Paris
Q: How did the idea of going to Iraq emerge?
A: I went to Kurdistan at the beginning of 2003 before
the military attack [on Iraq]. I got to Baghdad after
the fall of Tikrit in April 2003. I’ve been there for
four and a half years.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I have now
added transcripts for the
audio clips from the MEI
conference. They are
in the Audio section, and the four transcripts are
available either on the main page or when you click
through to each audio clip.
(I did these myself, so the good stuff all belongs to
Michael, any errors are mine, etc. I used to do this
for a living, so hopefully there aren't too many
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A photograph
from yesterday's MEI has been added to
Michael's Wikipedia
page. The
photographer is listed by the name
Aude, and it
is an absolutely stunning photo...
(Also available
in 655px and 1093px versions.)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The audio
from Michael's panel at the Middle East Institute
conference from yesterday was posted last night. I have
excerpted Michael's portions: an opening 20-minute
address (which is right up there with
Hidden Wars
as an
amazing encapsulation of events) and then three
answers to questions.
Clip 1, 19:29
"I'm nothing more than a witness."
Clip 2, 1:53
"It ain't gonna be Rwanda, but it's gonna be Bosnia."
Clip 3, 1:56
"This is America turning
on the
government it created."
Clip 4, 3:13
"Under the guidelines of every insurgent or militia
journalists fit fairly and squarely as legitimate
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sharon has
dug up more gems from the vault -- two clips that aired
on CBS Evening News. In the first, Lara Logan
interviews Michael about the "bullets and ballots"
employed by the insurgents for the election in
December of 2005; the second is a prepared piece
about the on-going "is it a civil war or not"
debate in March
of 2006. (And both make me very glad that CNN just
lets Michael be Michael rather than turning him into
another Reporter 101 clone!)
Also, Sharon mentioned that David Bellavia will be
featured on CSPAN-2's BookTV this Sunday, 10pm ET.
Check your local listings, etc.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Well, the
2007 Rugby World Cup is over, with the South African
Springboks having been crowned champions. It has been
an incredible tournament, and an incredible joy to
watch Michael having so much fun. While covering sports
is certainly not his forte and it will be wonderful to
have him back to doing what he does best, these past
three weeks have shown us a side that we usually never
get to see on television, so I have to send out a big
cyber thank-you out to The Powers That Be at CNN for
sending him on this assignment, even though the
Wallabies lost and he was freezing his... well, he was
really cold on Friday!
I don't know whether we will see him at all for the
next couple of weeks. He has that MEI conference at the
end of the month, so hopefully between now and then he
will get to do some actual off-the-clock relaxing
before heading back to his rooftop "office." (But no
worries, the TiVos are still running, just in case!
Poor little things never get a vacation!)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
CNN held a
big event for advertisers in NYC today, focused around
its planned coverage of the presidential election.
There were panel discussions and much promotion of all
their new technological innovations, etc. One of the
photos from the event, posted at
Michael Ware talking
about the impact
of the Iraq war on the Presidential
Sunday, October 07, 2007
More of the
rugby coverage is available now.
Also, here is another official photo from CNN:
Friday, October 05, 2007
Michael is
currently in France, where he will be covering the
Rugby World Cup for CNN/International for the next
three weeks. I have some low-tech screengrabs -- also
known as having someone snap photos from a TV screen --
to show off what fun he's having. Many thanks to Mavis
for these!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Liz tipped
me off that there was a commercial on CNN this morning
about Michael:
Large version --
Small version
Friday, September 28, 2007
And another
stellar find by Sharon! A report
done for
Chris Matthews during "Operation Swarmer" in March
of last year. I absolutely adore this photo -- I've
never seen him wearing a keffiyeh before...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Last night I
received a heads-up from regular contributor Sharon
that the publication of Michael's book has now been
pushed an additional year, to September 2009. I just
received confirmation of that date from the Australian
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I've finally
added an off-site blog, so that from now on if news
breaks while I'm at work, I can at least post
something. (Of course, it will also give you guys a
chance to put up comments and get to know one another,
if you wish. There are some really great people who are
regulars on the site.) The link is in the sidebar.
Also, on Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Arianna
Huffington had some nice things to say about Michael,
and during the third hour of TheSitRoom on Monday, Jack
and one of his e-mailers did, as well. Just thought I'd
share them...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I've had
several very sweet e-mails from people wanting to help
with the dead DVD drive problem, which just blew me
away. So my friends have talked me into setting up a
link on the Site Info page to
make it possible to donate to the site via PayPal.
Thanks to all of you who wrote and commiserated, too...
Definitely makes the all-nighters worth while!
Monday, September 10, 2007
I apologize
that the clips are getting up more slowly these days --
the DVD drive on my poor old PowerBook died last week
and quite honestly I don't have the money to replace
it. I have come up with another way to get the clips
converted and posted, but it is adding a couple more
hours onto the whole process. But I promise I will keep
them coming!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
* * * * *
View the photographs
taken by Yuri Kozyrev
during the battle of Fallujah
* * * * *
These photos
are copyright Time magazine
and Yuri Kozyrev. I have archived them here simply
for easier access.
Thanks to Sharon for sending the link.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
House to House: An Epic
Memoir of War
by SSG David Bellavia with John R. Bruning
I have read a lot of books about the Iraq war.
Literally an entire bookshelf worth. Many of them are
Very Important Books, the kind that will make their way
into course curriculums of the future, that are cited
as reference material for other books, that hit the
NYTimes best-seller list.
But I have never pressed my friends to read them, never
choked up trying to explain why a particular book was
so important, never said that they would never forget
this book.
Not until House to House.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Today on The Situation
Room, Wolf interviewed David Bellavia about his new
book, the current state of al-Anbar province, and
Saturday, September 01, 2007
If you've read
Michael's article about the 2nd Battle of Fallujah in
November of 2004, you will remember SSG David Bellavia
as the crazy/brave leader of the Army squad with whom
he was embedded. Bellavia has just released a book
about that battle, House to House: An Epic Memoir of
War, and will
be doing some media appearances this week to promote
it, including The Situation Room on Monday and Glenn
Beck's show on Tuesday.
For more information about the book, check out
the publisher's website.
For information on appearances, check out
I picked up my copy of the book today and it is
incredible. If the standard for war memoirs is
"gritty," then reading this is like being
sandblasted... Yes, there is stuff in there about
Michael, and I will write up some of that in the next
couple of days, but you can't read this book without
being deeply, deeply moved by what these guys went
More to come once I've finished reading it...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Yesterday I received a
terrific suggestion for the site, one I am sorry I
didn't think of myself -- since not everyone has a fast
internet connection, I am going to start offering a
smaller version of the video clips. So for anything
posted as of today the photos will no longer link
directly to the video clips. Instead, there will be
options on the main page (where the transcripts are)
for either a Large or Small version of the clip. The
Large will be the one I am currently posting (iPod
standard). The Small one will be about one-tenth of the
file size, with a very small screen, but should allow
for a much faster download and provide easier access to
anyone with a slow connection.
I will go back and re-convert older clips as I have
time -- my poor little PowerBook will be working
overtime for quite a while to tackle this project, but
I think it will be a worthwhile addition to the site.
(Thanks again, Sean!)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sharon dug up two more
audio interviews, these from Air America radio network.
The first is from January 2006, when Michael was in NYC
and was interviewed on "The
Mark Riley Show." The second is from November
2005, when he was interviewed by phone for
Randi Rhodes Show." Thanks again, Sharon!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This is another entry
that has nothing to do with Michael... but I have been
hearing/reading so many impressive reviews about this
new documentary "No End in Sight," which chronicles the
ways in which we screwed up the invasion/occupation,
that I thought I would post the trailer. I'm definitely
looking forward to seeing this... no matter how much it
will hurt.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Huffington Post
has another article
about Michael.
(Although what they call "prescience" I would term
"lots of smarts and a willingness
to be honest about the situation" ... but I guess
that's too long for a
The Scary Prescience of Michael Ware
Huffington Post | Rachel Sklar
| August 16, 2007 02:23 PM
CNN's Michael Ware, formerly Time's Baghdad
correspondent, rarely has good news. Not really
surprising, since he's one of the few — very few —
journalists who has been in Baghdad since before the
U.S. invasion. His reports are often bluntly
pessimistic and contradictory of the official version,
and all too often, right.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Since I added
this morning's clip to the Video area I have also added
a short clip that aired during the second hour of
American Morning. It was about the current offensive in
Diyala province, but I believe some of the footage may
have come from Michael's camera. I can't be sure, of
course, but that seemingly telltale from-the-ground-up
angle makes me think I uploaded it.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Sharon strikes
again! She found a terrific interview that Michael did
for ABC Radio in Australia back in December of 2004,
regarding the future of journalism. He discusses his
own methods and what he has to do to get to the truth
in the midst of a war zone. Both the audio clip and
print transcript can be found
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sharon sent me
a link to a radio
interview that Michael did last
week when the Iraqi soccer team won the semi-final
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Suzanne let me
know that Michael was on an Australian TV show last
night and sent the link for the show's website. I was
able to get video and transcript off the site, so you
can check out the interview
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I was invited
to write up a bio of Michael for the excellent "All
Things Anderson" blog, and it was posted today. You can
check out the original posting on ATA
here and it is now
available here on this site, as well.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sharon dug up
another great old clip... this time a video clip from
NBC, from the Battle of
Fallujah in early November 2004.
The clip is the same size as the source material.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sharon has sent
a couple NPR clips she dug up -- one is from three
years ago today, July 12, 2004, and features Michael
discussing the huge upgrade in quality of
insurgent propaganda
films once Zarqawi started
doing them. (Fascinating point -- "They have combat
camera units and they have been pre-positioned to
document these operations for months
and we
didn't know.")
The second clip was recorded December 15, 2005, the day
after election
day, in which he describes
the large turnouts in different neighborhoods.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
CNN has finally
posted an official photo of Michael, and it's a beauty:
To read the official bio,
check out his page on CNN.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I've done a new
edit of the Frontline
episode that
Michael was in last year. It takes advantage of the
new QT standards. (Translation: it's a whole lot
bigger and sharper!)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I have
completed uploading all of Michael's bylined TIME
articles into the Print section. There are about 75 new
entries, going all the way back to the Sydney Olympics
in 2000 (although most are from Afghanistan and Iraq.)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Another item
that has nothing to do with Michael, but Lara Logan was
on Reliable Sources this morning talking about the
story she did for CBS regarding the children found in
terrible conditions in an orphanage in Baghdad. Her
description of tracking the story was extremely
interesting and gives a fascinating glimpse of the
incredible amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes
into the reports we see on the air.
The clip is available here.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Multichannel News
by Variety) reports that Michael will be part of
CNN's World Refugee Day reporting tomorrow:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thanks to a
heads-up from Sharon in San Francisco, I have added two
audio podcast interviews with Michael and his
producer, Thomas Evans.
UPDATE: Some people were having problems with the
files, so I have converted them. If you were unable to
play them before, you should be able to now.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Today is the
one-year anniversary of the announcement
of Michael
joining CNN. It has certainly been an extraordinary
twelve months of reportage from Beirut and Baghdad. As
an indication, the number of video pages on this site
"pre-CNN" is 20; since he signed there have been 337.
I think that calls for a drink! Somebody buy that man a
beer and put it on my tab!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Big thanks to Suzanne,
one of the site's Aussie friends, for sending
this link to a television interview Michael
did in Brisbane last week.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Some more of Michael's
articles from The Courier-Mail. No more "personal"
info, just some examples of his writing. These are the
longest articles available in the archives.
Monday, May 21, 2007
All right, I know
everyone is bored while Michael is away, so I'm posting
some old articles for your enjoyment...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
This was shown during Michael Holmes'
"Month of Mayhem" SIU special.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Arianna Huffington posted
a blog entry about Michael's interview on
AC360 Tuesday night, when he and David Gergen discussed
the latest call for benchmarks.
goodness for Michael Ware, CNN's Baghdad-based war
correspondent. Amid the hot air, his reporting is like
a bracing splash of ice cold water to the face. A jolt
of from-the-belly-of-the-beast reality. A wake-up call
delivered via jackhammer. With an Australian accent.
Monday, April 16, 2007
I was tipped off by
Dannie (a regular visitor from Canada) that the
Australian publication date for Michael's book has been
pushed to April '08. She got the info from a book
supplier; I will try to contact the publisher on Monday
to get a confirmation.
UPDATE: According to information the publisher provided
me with, the release date is now August of '08.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I have no idea
whether what Drudge posted was just a bad joke or what,
but as it happens, I recorded nearly the whole press
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Steven Colbert
discusses McCain, Michael, and the location of
Neverland, as only he can. (And unlike McCain, he also
specifies which areas in Baghdad are safe for those
casual strolls...)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
When I saw
Andrew Sullivan talking with AC last night, my first
thought was, I wish I could be a fly on the wall for
the off-camera conversation between Sullivan and Mick.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Yes, he's
writing a book! It won't be out until the end of the
year and there's no word yet as to an American
publisher, but at least it's coming! Here's the
write-up from The
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Eric Campbell is an Australian journalist who has
spent years in some of the craziest war zones on the
is the memoir of his work.
On March 18, 2003, Campbell arrived in Kurdistan to
cover the opening days of the Iraq war for ABC
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation). At the border,
he met Paul Moran, sent to be his cameraman. Two
American journalists were also at the border: