Michael Ware


AC: "If you can have this Mexican blood on your hands, then you're a better -- or a worse -- person than I."

Erica Hill talks to Michael and former DEA agent Robert Strang about the action on Wednesday that resulted in the death of the leader of one of the Mexican drug cartels.

Length: 4:56

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CB: "There was no option of doing anything to stay alive...It was, you die. That was it."

An edited version of the piece about Roy Hallums that aired on AC360 last night, followed by Rick Sanchez asking Michael to talk more about what happened on Haifa Street.

Length: 10:11

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AC: "He was held there for ten months, always tied, always masked. For the last three months when they would close the lid, they would cement it over."

Michael's prepared piece on Roy Hallums, an American contractor who was held hostage by Iraqi insurgents for 311 days. Michael also discusses some of the details of his own close call on Haifa Street in 2004.

Length: 8:24

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CB: "What I'm saying, it's being paid for in Mexican blood. Are they less than Americans?"

Rick Sanchez fills in for Campbell Brown and talks to Michael And former DEA agent Robert Strang about the shootout yesterday in Mexico that ended in the death of the head of one of the drug cartels.

Length: 7:43

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AC: "...the profit incentive is so huge that there's nothing to stop them."

Another look at the slaughter going on in Juarez, with some of the same footage we've seen and some new info as well. Afterwards, Michael joins Anderson in the studio to discuss the future.

Length: 5:08

Watch the clip, read the transcript...