TIME: Exclusive: Iraqi Commander Says, "We Didn't Find a Mosque" (& reaction)
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Real Time: Life in Baghdad
Michael appears via video from Baghdad (where it is 7 a.m. Saturday morning) to discuss the current situation. An excellent interview.
Length: 8:40
TIME: On Scene -- Highs and Lows in Baghdad
Watch the clip, read the transcript...
AC: Continuation of media discussion
Anderson, in New Orleans, continues last night’s discussion with Michael, Nic Robertson, Hugh Hewlitt, and additionally, blogger Michael Yon.
Length: 9:23
AC: Blame the media
Anderson interviews Michael (in Baghdad) as well as Nic Robertson (likewise) and conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewlitt (NOT in Iraq) regarding the Bush administration’s attempt to paint the dissatisfaction of the American public over the war in Iraq as just a response to the media’s negativity.
Length: 9:03
CBS: Insurgency plans
Michael does a special report for CBS News regarding the insurgents' plans and the on-going debate on whether there is a civil war yet.
Length: 2:16
TSR: Year Four in Iraq begins
Michael, back in Baghdad, appeared on The Situation Room to reflect on the first three years of the war and look ahead to year four.
Length: 6:35
MSNBC: Chris Matthews -- 6:43
TIME: Iraq's Turn for the Worse Brings U.S. and Baathists Closer
Watch the clip, read the transcript...
60 Minutes: Battle of Tal'Afar
On March 12, 2006, 60 Minutes did a piece on the battle at Tal’Afar. Michael is interviewed and much of the footage he recorded of the battle is used.
Length: 11:28