More about the translations
Posted: 12:24 AM ET
I learned something new tonight in the control room. Two new things actually. I learned the meaning of the Australian words galah and drongo.
These are words that our Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware used on the air at the top of the program while discussing the story of Prince Harry fighting in Afghanistan. We found the words and Michael’s delivery so interesting and amusing (even though we had no idea what they meant) that we decided to make that :09 soundbite our “Shot of the Day” at the end of the program. And it was my job to make that happen.
Isolating the soundbite and having the tape cut and turned around in 30 minutes was the easy part. Finding out what the words meant was a little trickier.
To do this I called our international assignment desk and had them transfer me to Michael’s field producer in Baghdad, Tommy Evans. No, I wasn’t calling for details on troop levels or the progress of the government on deciding how to divide oil revenue or how locals viewed the upcoming U.S. presidential election. I was calling for clarification on the definition and the correct usage of the words galah and drongo.
Tommy found this all very amusing but dutifully got a precise definition and an acceptable sentence usage from Michael.
- galah : a type of bird, slang for idiot, as in “you guys are acting like a mob of galahs”
- drongo: also a bird, also slang for idiot, as in “don’t be such a bloody drongo”
- Sean Yates, Sr. Producer, AC360
Radio interview from Australia
360 tonight
John Mccain says he will win or lose this election based on Iraq... He needs to convince voters there has been progress in Iraq. Can he do it? Tom Foreman gives us a progress report... and Michael Ware is live from Baghdad. Tonight, 10 ET.
Back in Baghdad
International coverage of the election
I also added the transcripts for the American Morning reports.
Pakistan votes
PVV update and Breaking News from yesterday
Again, thanks to Délie for recording these and sending them along so quickly!
"Pakistan's Vital Vote" now up
First clip from Pakistan
"Pakistan's Vital Vote"
Délie has sent me the promo currently airing for the hour-long special this weekend, which Michael is hosting, about the Pakistan election. She also received a copy of the press release:
Pakistan's Vital Vote will offer viewers insight into Pakistan's troubled political waters as voters prepare to elect a new parliament and decide who will choose the country's next prime minister. Hosted by veteran CNN correspondent Michael Ware, this special report will offer some analysis of what these elections might bring to a country shattered by months of political turmoil, weeks under emergency rule, and the tragic assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. It will also examine international concern over this crucial vote in a country that is uniquely pivotal in the war on terror. 1 hour. [NOTE: According to the schedule, it is only a 1/2 hour program]
And here is the banner still for it:
Pakistan & more site changes!
Michael will be in Pakistan this week, covering the election there. CNN/I has begun airing promos for an hour-long special to air this weekend, titled "Pakistan's Vital Vote."
He will be returning to Baghdad after this special coverage.
And I have done some re-shuffling of the site in order to put in a new area for the Pakistan section. Changes are:
Coming soon to a television near you...
Anderson Cooper mentioned on his blog tonight that Michael will be on AC360 next week.
...and the rest of the clips
New version of old clips
Tonight the 2005 clips are done. Here are the direct links:
I'll convert and upload the nine clips from early 2006 as soon as possible...