TSR: "...none of which bodes well for a rapid resolution to this conflict."
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Another recorded update, similar to the earlier one but with some slightly updated information.
WOLF BLITZER: Let's get back to Russia's show of force in the Republic of Georgia right now. The secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, is joining with her NATO allies in calling for a quick withdrawal of Russian troops. And in a joint statement following talks in Brussels, NATO is warning that regular contacts with Moscow will be impossible, impossible, until there's a full pullout.
CNN's Michael Ware is in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi with an update on the military situation -- Michael.
MICHAEL WARE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, Russia's high-stakes military brinkmanship continues here on the ground in the war in Georgia, with all indications that the Russian troops and their armor are staying put.
On the western front, on the Black Sea coast, Georgian officials say that the Russian troops reentered the all-important seaport town of Poti. There, according to the Georgian officials, the Russians took 21 Georgian military police officers prisoner, and transported them back to the Russian strongpoint just outside the town of Senaki, 30 kilometers from the coast.
On the eastern front, the Georgian officials report a standoff between Russian troops and Georgian police at a Georgian military barracks. According to the officials, the Russian troops tried to enter the barracks, but were prevented. When they left, they vowed to return with more forces, according to government officials.
Meanwhile, in the Georgian city of Gori, currently under Russian occupation, there's still no sign of the Russian troops pulling back. Indeed, a Georgian vice prime minister has told CNN that a Russian general there on the ground informed him that his troops may establish four permanent checkpoints in the city in undisputed Georgian territory, none of which bodes well for a rapid resolution to this conflict -- Wolf.
BLITZER: Michael Ware is on the scene for us in Tbilisi. It looks like this crisis will continue.