AAM: "...an alternative to the rising Iranian influence is precisely what America needs."
Michael delivers a voice-over summation of what Iran's Special Groups are up to in Iraq, and it is an absolutely chilling look at the war, the kind of things our troops face every day but that we, the American public, have been shielded from. And it is about damned time we saw it and started comprehending the truth about the fight and about what is at stake.
Length: 5:46
CNN.com: Yesterday's bombing a bid to spark sectarian violence
AAM: "Let's hear from the campaigns on this."
Two clips regarding how the presidential race is viewed from Iraq and the pending visit to the country by Senator Obama.
Note: The audio on the first clip is lagging several seconds at the start, but it locks in when the image shifts to a fullscreen of the Baghdad feed.
Length: 3:06 / 3:05
CNN/I: Business International
Comments on the Bush/Brown press conference in London today -- where PM Brown announced British troop increases for Afghanistan -- and how the epicenter of the Anglo/American view of the Middle East sits squarely in Tehran. International's European Political Editor Robin Oakley also weighs in with the Brit view.
Length: 5:43
AAM: "You can pull out tomorrow as long as you're ready to wear the consequences."
Michael recaps the current status of the war and the SOFA talks.
Length: 3:45
GPS: "The true success or failure of the US mission has been far from revealed."
Michael makes his first appearance on Fareed Zakaria GPS, discussing the current situation in Iraq. Other panelists are Michael O'Hanlon and Ken Pollack (both of the Brookings Institution) and Dexter Filkins (NYT).
This is one of the best discussions of the current situation that I have heard in a long time. It really summarizes where we are now and some of the choices yet ahead.
Length: 9:38
SAM: "America's leverage in the negotiations may be under threat"
The same recorded piece as the 6/13 International World News one.
Length: 1:29
NR: "It's not quite winner-takes-all high stakes poker here, but it's very close to that."
Further details on the progress of the SoFA talks: a bit of leftover law from the Bremer/CPA days may allow the Iraqi parliament to set the terms for our troops to stay in the country. You have to give them credit: they sure have learned to play Washington-style politics in a hurry! (Maybe with some help from their neighbors to the east?)
Length: 4:28
CNN/I: World News
A brief recorded summation of the latest developments in the SoFA talks.
Length: 1:49
AAM: "The Iraqis may go it alone."
Michael reports the latest developments in the Status of Forces Agreement discussions: the Iraqis say they can take over and set the terms for our troops to remain in the country.
Unfortunately, the satellite feed from Baghdad was lost before he could go into detail; however, there is more about this in the next two clips.
Length: 2:58
AC: "al Qaeda remembers when not so long ago it was welcomed by waving children."
The prepared piece about the AQI documents finally airs on Domestic. The breadth of information contained in the hard drives turned over to him by the members of the Awakening movement -- some of them former insurgents and AQI members -- is just astonishing. The overview provided here provides a sense of the true nature of the day-to-day cruelty and businesslike tyranny of the organization.
(I have added the original prepared piece, as aired on International, to the bottom of the page; there were slight changes made to the video when it aired on Domestic.)
Length: 6:22
CNN/I: Business International
AAM: "al Qaeda in Iraq is homegrown. It's lead by Iraqis."
A replay of the section of the prepared piece that was shown on TSR yesterday, followed by a brief comment from Michael. They apparently hope to show the full piece tonight on AC360.
Length: 2:53
CNN/I: World News
EC: "...this is the largest collection of al Qaeda in Iraq materials to ever come into civilian hands."
Campbell Brown does another preview of the AQI document piece, and also gets Michael's reaction to something that Senator McCain said today.
(The AQI piece did not air on 360 due to breaking news.)
Length: 4:39
TSR: "...a window inside al Qaeda in Iraq like we've never seen before."
Wolf talks with Michael about the al Qaeda files, and Michael elaborates on the kinds of documents found in the headquarters when it was taken over.
Length: 4:39
NR: "al Qaeda in Iraq today is under more pressure than it ever was before."
Brianna Keilar talks with Michael as an intro to tonight's special report.
Length: 3:46
CNN.com: Papers give peek inside al Qaeda in Iraq
The preview clip for tonight's piece is still up on the News page, and Michael was also on NewsRoom this morning. (Today's interview and tonight's report will be posted overnight/tomorrow morning.)
Papers give peek inside al Qaeda in Iraq
By Michael Ware
CNN Correspondent
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- With Christmas 2005 approaching, the princes of al Qaeda's western command were gathering. They'd been summoned for something special -- to plot a three-month campaign of coordinated suicide, rocket, and infantry attacks on American bases, checkpoints, and Iraqi army positions.
Watch the clip, read the transcript...
TSR: "...they should be waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the mere thought of it."
Wolf talks to Michael about the treaty currently being negotiated between Washington and Baghdad (and Tehran...) that will set the boundaries for keeping American troops in Iraq beyond the end of 2008... possibly well beyond.
Length: 2:53